Blogging is very new to an outlet that is still in it’s infancy – the Internet. And the craze has caught on.

Some people, however, seem to think that blogging holds some sort of privacy, while others use it to ‘cyber-bully’ others. It has some so concerned that school officials are blocking the use of the technology on school grounds.

Consider this: A teenager (using them as an example, since far more teens use blogs than the rest of the majority) posts a blog while using their name and the school in which they attend or the area that they live in. For someone with sinister intentions all it would take is a good search engine, like Google. A perv in Dallas could do a search for blogs in Dallas and, given enough time and refining, many matches will be found with way too much information (school schedules, work schedules, phone numbers, etc).

People have been incriminated for things they have posted on blogs that led back to crimes that they have commited. This goes to prove that people don’t think about consequenses. The same goes for employment – present and future. If you think current and prospective employers aren’t looking at personal blogs, think again. What you share with the world may determine whether or not you land that next job…