The courts appear to know thier place. Why didn’t our president? Why didn’t Congress, or Jeb Bush? Everyone has to make a statement.

In reality this should have been kept at the local level. It didn’t happen. Too many people took interest in this case. While many intentions are honorable people need to learn where priorities are. People should take as much interest in thier local and state governments.

All the while it was an opportunity for individuals and organizations to share the big lights and cameras. The whole media circus over this poor woman was disgusting. Her parents should have NEVER let it get this far – and they should have known the consequences, that the protesters would not leave until the end.

In the end all they have done is make a mockery of our judicial system by opening it up to individual proceedings. They made Michael Shaivo angry enough to where he wouldn’t allow them in the room upon her death. Was he justified? Probably. Not that it’s right, but…

In the end she is dead. The moral of the story is to leave a living will in the event of something like this. How many people want to see thier family torn apart? I sure don’t want to make my family go through what hers did, and I sure don’t want to be a burden on my family…

This article pretty much says it all.