London bombingAs tragic and unfortunate as it is there is really no surprise that London was bombed. They are allies of the U.S. Apparently the ‘holy warriors’ are too cowardly to face actual soldiers.

These terrorists actually believe that killing our innocent civilians will force us to acknowledge their demands, assuming they have any. Our politicians (as well as most of our citizens) don’t think that way. In a few cases (not to mention any names, G.W. Bush) our leaders even go overboard.

Or is it just bloodshed that they are looking for? For what? An angry God that they idolize? It just makes no sense whatsoever… But then these people usually don’t. Afterall we are talking about people such as al-Zarqawi, who’s not even a Iraq native and he’s telling us to leave. Maybe he should listen to the people that actually belong there. But then so should we.

I’ve got news for you al-Zarqawi and Bin Laden – your angry god doesn’t exist. Your jihad is futile. It serves no purpose, other than to let the world know that you suck. Go home.

To our British counterparts – use the U.S. as a lesson. Don’t let your government over-run you in the name of being “patriotic”. A good example is the ‘US Patriot Act’. There is an oxymoron in a name. All it did was tell Bin Laden that the U.S. is now a police state.