Intelligent DesignIt’s called ‘Intelligent Design’, and it’s what religious advocates want all kids to start learning. But in a country that has laws to separate church and state, as well as the right to freedom of religion where do we draw the line?

First of all – no one has the right to impose religion on anyone in the land of the free. NO ONE. Science is not a religion, and is thereby neutral. Does this mean that children can’t be taught creation? Of course not. They are simply taken to Sunday school or Bible school.

There will be those that state that there is no foundation for evolution, no solid evidence (other than scientific discoveries, studies and tangible materials), while other would say the same about creation (which includes scriptures, notes handed down through time and faith).

Let me be the first to say that there is nothing wrong with faith. Everyone needs it. Not everyone needs faith in the same thing. And no one can say that your faith is wrong, no matter what you believe. You can even believe in a combination of both. Our laws, however, are in place to protect the rights of all citizens, and that is the way they should stay.