World of weiners What can I say? It seems that every year the world just gets… nicer! At least to some degree. We have to pamper those who feel they have been served unjustly, whether or not they are entitled to it, and we see that our government encourages our children to advance in schools, even if they don’t care about the education they are provided and are potentially holding their fellow classmates back. And this is just the tip of the iceberg…

My favorite saying has always been ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child.’ Where is our society going? For decades we have handed a living to so many who don’t deserve it – aka welfare. Don’t get me wrong! There are people out there who need a helping hand, but they are the ones that usually don’t get it.

That doesn’t include how we fight for people who seem like don’t want us there and hold the hands of others that will stab us in the back the next time we turn around!

There comes a time when people and the government needs to start focusing more on the motivated individuals and rewarding those who deserve it. If things don’t seem fair, then it’s up to the individual to change it, and any law that declares otherwise should be abolished. That’s life!

There’s coming a time where people will be complacent and have no respect for others. And we wonder what’s wrong with society…