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Wiener World, 2006!

World of weiners What can I say? It seems that every year the world just gets… nicer! At least to some degree. We have to pamper those who feel they have been served unjustly, whether or not they are entitled to it, and we see that our government encourages our children to advance in schools, even if they don’t care about the education they are provided and are potentially holding their fellow classmates back. And this is just the tip of the iceberg…

My favorite saying has always been ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child.’ Where is our society going? For decades we have handed a living to so many who don’t deserve it – aka welfare. Don’t get me wrong! There are people out there who need a helping hand, but they are the ones that usually don’t get it.

That doesn’t include how we fight for people who seem like don’t want us there and hold the hands of others that will stab us in the back the next time we turn around!

There comes a time when people and the government needs to start focusing more on the motivated individuals and rewarding those who deserve it. If things don’t seem fair, then it’s up to the individual to change it, and any law that declares otherwise should be abolished. That’s life!

There’s coming a time where people will be complacent and have no respect for others. And we wonder what’s wrong with society…

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The Holiday Season

Bad Santa Pooping Down Your Chimney!Ah, the holidays are upon us! Have you been good or bad? Remember – the old man is watching!

For those that took part in ‘Black (and blue) Friday’ and helped to trample their fellow man, you will get what’s coming to you. It’s amazing how the season that is geared for celebration has turned into a season of greed and lust. Let’s all push and hit to get to the hottest toy or cheapest computer (you get what you pay for)!

For all of those selfish individuals who want to grab merchandise from others (including children) you should be ashamed of yourself. It’s people like these that keep me satisfied with ‘Black Monday.’ For those who don’t know what that is, it’s online shopping after the prior Friday onslaught.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year – as long as you can avoid the malls, Wal-Mart and people in general. angry

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The Backwards Intelligence of Kansas

alien intelligent design At the state level, Kansas has decided to include mention of ‘Intelligent Design,’ stating that Darwin’s theories are flawed or lacks gaps.In fairness it is true that we have not uncovered evidence of each and every step of the evolutionary scale, but every day there are new discoveries that come closer to proving him right.

If you would rather discuss Intelligent design (otherwise known as ID, minus the IOT) then that opens ourselves up to the possibility that the movie Stargate is plausible. Someday we may look like our ancestors, who laid their eggs here and left us to defend ourselves. wassat

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Perverted Justice

The Internet is a vast region, and to many of those who are uneducated or naive it can be anywhere from uninteresting to confusing, even dangerous. Let’s face it – just as some people should never drive or have children, some people aren’t ready for a computer.

If you think you are ready to have a computer in your home then think about this: Are you aware of how to protect yourself? Do you have children? Are you capable of monitoring them, and willing to do so? Believe me, being a network admin, it’s a job all in itself. It’s not an easy job, keeping informed.

The team at Perverted Justice has been working very hard to keep the predators of children that lurk on the Internet at bay, a job for which they should be commended. But as a parent it’s our job to either block chat access or monitor it and inform our children what not to do, such as talking with people they don’t know.

If you’re not sure what to do, be proactive. Take time to learn. Look at the links available on this site here, or some tips and software that is available here. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! wink

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Paintball Season’s End

FallWe’ve spent the summer adjusting and readjusting our paintball markers, buying new ones, adding mods and so forth, so we can more accurately paint each other. Now it’s time to pack things away and wait for spring (perhaps have a winter game in there somewhere).

As my equipment lies dormant I start to wonder what I need to keep, what I can sell (ebay) and what I want to get for next year that I can purchase during the winter.

I started the year off with my Tippmann 98 Custom, which I customized more this year with items like a cyclone feed and stock. I also purchased two Diablo Reincarnations, of which one hasn’t worked correctly so I figure now is the time to send it in for repairs. The same marker woks best off of HPA, as it freezes during auto-fire when running CO2, so I guess I can add an HPA tank to the wishlist.

The Tippmanns are so easily modified that a lot of money can be poured into them to make them look and work however you want them to. At this point I am getting rid of my Flatline in favor of a different, more accurate barrel. The big question is do I spend a little extra for looks? I am also looking for an expansion chamber and response trigger for it (among other things).

So as the weather gets colder my wishlist is growing. I guess it doesn’t help to have more time on my hands to shop online for stuff. At the same time I can read reviews and get an idea of what works and what doesn’t.

It’s going to be a long winter….

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Religious Rubbish and Poppycock?

Intelligent DesignIt’s called ‘Intelligent Design’, and it’s what religious advocates want all kids to start learning. But in a country that has laws to separate church and state, as well as the right to freedom of religion where do we draw the line?

First of all – no one has the right to impose religion on anyone in the land of the free. NO ONE. Science is not a religion, and is thereby neutral. Does this mean that children can’t be taught creation? Of course not. They are simply taken to Sunday school or Bible school.

There will be those that state that there is no foundation for evolution, no solid evidence (other than scientific discoveries, studies and tangible materials), while other would say the same about creation (which includes scriptures, notes handed down through time and faith).

Let me be the first to say that there is nothing wrong with faith. Everyone needs it. Not everyone needs faith in the same thing. And no one can say that your faith is wrong, no matter what you believe. You can even believe in a combination of both. Our laws, however, are in place to protect the rights of all citizens, and that is the way they should stay.

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Do You Know Enough About Your Food?

T-BoneMaybe you should ask yourself that more often. I’ll be the first to admit that nothing is better than a fire-grilled burger or steak (still bloody). But who produced it, and under what conditions?

Now, if you’re lucky or talented enough, maybe you have your own cattle stock and did all of the raising and butchering yourself. But what if the person that did it for you was on a production line, handling the meat while they have open wounds, or while they are working with pants that are soiled because they weren’t allowed to use the restroom? Now how appealing does it sound?

Starting to feel like becoming a vegetarian yet? No? I bet you’re telling yourself ‘Well I don’t live in a third-world country, so it’s not a problem here’. Guess again… This is happening in the U.S. and Canada, right at Tyson Foods. It has become a serious safety problem for both the public and the workers for Tyson.

Before you buy another pound of meat, of any kind, think about visiting the Terrible Tyson website. By helping the workers there you are helping yourself.

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Terror must be everywhere!

Goerge W. Bush on terrorSomeone give Bush a clue, please. Everywhere he goes it seems the word ‘terror’ comes out of his mouth.

I’ve got to say that I have been rather annoyed with the fact that he won’t pronounce ‘terrorism’. And while I realize that terrorism is everywhere, and it’s become a signficant threat at home and to our allies, it does not need to be a part of every topic.

Take, for example, the speech he was giving tonight about the aid produced by the government for the devestation produced by hurricane Katrina. What did he start rambling about? “Terror”. How inappropriate. If the lack of immediate response wasn’t bad enough he uses it to further his cruisade.

I’m tired of Bush, republicans and democrats. It’s time America start looking at who they are voting for – before they vote. Maybe it’s time to look at the alternatives. I really hate politicians…

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Where’s the help?

Hurricane KatrinaAny American would have a problem with this:

We spend so much money on getting Iraq together. We coordinated efforts to get troops to Afganistan and Iraq in an incredibly short period of time.

So what is going on in the Southern hurricane-stricken areas of our own country? You look at the television and see nothing but chaos and desperation. Where is the National Guard? Where are the airdrops of food and water? Why are our tax-paying citizens, ages of less than a year to the elderly, dying while waiting on help days after being hit by the hurricane?

It’s time to get our people out of there and get them someplace safe. It’s also time for the damned government to stop dropping the ball. It’s time to donate to help our fellow americans, for the rest of us. What if it were you?

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Nice Websites That Suck

There are certain websites on the Internet that have tremendous potential. Then they have certain catches that also hold them back. One that I have noticed for years that would easily fall into this category is Classmates.com. Here is a site that wants people to join up, it will list your name, graduating year from high school (or whatever school) and you can easily see all of the people that you attended with (if they have already signed up as well).

The catch: If you don’t pay the price to be a gold member then you can’t communicate with anyone else listed, at least not to let them know who you are. No, the price isn’t that high (as low as $3 a month) but that’s not the point. If they want to build a community that keeps people coming back then make it less expensive ($1 per month, which is fair if you consider the number of users) or free, and just collect the revenues from advertising. FREE=More Traffic=Ad Revenues Increase.

Decreasing the cost of a site like that is a win-win situation – people will want to return regularly, thus increasing traffic and revenues, all while people can get in touch with those they haven’t seen in quite some time.

And that’s my 2 cents worth, minus inflation.

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